About Us
At De La O the cuisine of origin is the Andalusian one, with market products, in season, which follows the seasonal rhythms to cook them respecting the qualities and the original flavour. We are looking for local producers who offer us their fresh and native raw materials, without travelling long distances. We offer Iberian meat dishes from the Sierra de Huelva, fish from the estuaries of Cadiz, seafood from the fish market of Isla Cristina, mushrooms from the Aroche peaks and vegetables from the orchards of the Guadalquivir valley.
Spanish, European, Mediterranean
Restaurant Type
Fine dining
Cuisine Styles
Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw Food Cuisine, Gluten Free, Seafood
Smoking Area, Disabled access, Outdoor Seating
Payment Options
Cash, Visa, American Express, Mastercard
Map & Contacts
Paseo De Ntra. Sra. De La O, 29
Seville, 41010
Seville, 41010
(+34) 954339000